English Versions




It was unfinished: The Heart Sutra

On publication


 The Heart Stra (Full Text)


Correspondence to The Universe and Consciousness




Chapter 1: The Compilation and Purpose of the Heart Sutra

Chapter 2: Introductory part and explanation of the aim  

Chapter 3: A new view of life through redefinition  

Chapter 4: The environment of 'Life activity' and the [Three basic characteristics]

Chapter 5: Redefinition and fractal structures

Additional Chapter

Chapter6: Freedom from karma and suffering

Chapter 7: Awakening with 般若波羅蜜多(han nya ha ra mi ta)

Chapter 8: The power of 般若波羅蜜多(han nya ha ra mi ta)

Chapter 9: Crossing to the other shore. And know it’s unfinished

Chapter of Completion: Correspondence to modern society

Sample Reading


The reason why the Heart Sutra has become so difficult to understand.

There are some reasons why the Heart Sutra has become so difficult to understand and unintelligible.


The first reason is the difficulty of the text structure, described by three pairs of words『neither birth nor death』, 『neither purity nor impurity』, and 『neither increase nor decrease』which indicate the three characteristics of 空(KUU).

There is important and elaborate content here, comparable to modern mathematical logic. And yet, in all the traditional interpretations, this part of the text has been interpreted in a very nihilistic way.

Unfortunately, without delving into the structure of the sentence, a serious mistranslation was made, stating that,

"空(kuu) is insubstantial", which made the whole meaning impossible to construct and full of contradictions.


In other words, many translators have simply and easily interpreted it as a series of negative sentences: "Since 空(kuu) has no substance, therefore there is neither birth nor death, there is neither purity nor impurify and there is neither increase nor decrease".

This is like saying, "空(kuu) is nothing, it is equal to zero, so no matter what you multiply by zero, it remains equal to zero", which is a forcible quibble and a reckless distortion.


This was a fatal mistranslation of what should have been the most important part of the sutra, and since then, an interpretation of the Heart Sutra, filled with this misconception of 空(kuu) as emptiness, has been spread throughout the world.


If you are to decipher the Heart Sutra, you must first and foremost delve into the structure of the text at this crucial point.

The four points that should be delved into here are: -


(1) Why did compiler choose these words?

(2) Why did compiler list the words of opposite meanings in pairs?

(3) Why did compiler have to put three pairs of words together and deny all their meaning sat the same time?

(4) And why are these three pairs of words sufficient?


The reasons for this must be made clear.


And if you are to take the position of "空(kuu) without substance", as is the established view, then you must give a reasonable and consistent explanation of the four points presented here from the point of view of 空(kuu) without substance.


By the way, the idea that "there is no substance" is rather a natural one for atheists and materialists, and it is a matter that deserves no special mentioning in spiritual texts for them.

If the Heart Sutra explains things that ordinary people of the time would naturally know, then this too would be a worthless scripture. Historically, there have been many religions all over the world, but there is no religion that teaches a scripture that "captures the ultimate existence of the universe and says there is nothing there".

It can be said that the fact of such "空(kuu) without substance" is so widely circulated, is clear evidence that we are living in the Latter day of the Dharma.

The decipherment of the Heart Sutra in this book has completely overturned the nihilistic Heart Sutra circulated in the world, using the same Buddhist words and phrases, and transformed it into the Heart Sutra, which teaches the ultimate 'worldview' of the 'super-substantial 空(KUU)', the opposite of the "insubstantial 空(kuu)". Therefore, this decipherment of the Heart Sutra is of immense value to human history.

At the same time, it is a shocking and interesting reversal of the common sense of modern man, which is dominated by materialism in the name of science.


If you try to decipher the Heart Sutra, you must first correctly interpret the three pairs of words presented here and construct a consistent meaning. Without this, there is no way of deciphering the Heart Sutra.

The author has not yet seen any literature that convincingly clarifies this text structure.


I have shown the logic of this point in detail, especially in the text.

The meticulous logical structure of this phrase has been deciphered by careful analysis by using modern logical methods, in which the author has some expertise.

The author explains rationally and without contradiction the『Three basic characteristics』of 空(KUU), completely denies the "空(kuu) without substance", and shows below the ‘空(KUU) is substance itself’.


The second reason for the difficulty to find some comprehension seems to stem from the fact that there is an introduction new concepts, such as ‘色(SHIKI), 受想行識(JU SOU GYO SHIKI) and 諸法(SHO HOU)’ and these concealed the real meaning. It should be noted that, they deliberately did not use new words for the new concepts, but rather redefined the words that were already used in early Buddhism such as “色(shiki), 受想行識(ju sou gyoshiki)and 法(hou)”.

However, on further deciphering, it becomes clear that there is also a ‘clear statement of the fact of redefinition’ in this scripture. In other words, it is clarified that there is an explanation of new concepts.

And it is also worth noting that "no one has yet noticed the logical expression of the strict redefinition".

This author's experience of writing academic papers in the field of science has enabled me to discover and unseal some logical statements in the structure of these words, including the laws for redefinition and their solutions.

In general, there is a considerable difference in the way in which religion and science are expressed in writing, and there is a gap between them and the two are always in disagreement, but in the case of the Heart Sutra, it is clear that the methods used in scientific writing can be directly applicable, and that the writing is extremely universal.


So, if we carefully interpret the logical expressions presented based on the new concepts derived from the  ‘three basic characteristics of 空(KUU)’ and the ‘redefinition’,the whole picture of the Heart Sutra, which had been so difficult to understand, is revealed together with its detailed parts in a brilliant manner, rather as if a fog has been cleared away.


The third reason for the difficulty of the hitherto comprehension, and this could be the real reason, is that for some reason the Heart Sutra has been sealed, in accordance with a plan to open it up in later times.


Once that seal is broken, the Heart Sutra would then be disseminated as planned at a later time and at that time the mystery would eventually be solved, and the 'ultimate truth' would be revealed.

It can be said that it is a very logical description, with no ambiguities in the wording, so that the meaning does not change with the passing of time and even when translated into different languages.


Both the first and the second reasons for the difficulty to comprehend the sutra lead eventually to the ulterior motive of the sealing. The most important of these was the introduction of a redefinition of the basic words, which dared to show the truth using logic, but thus also to seal it, hiding the key to unlock it in a spell, which was to be deciphered two thousand years later and thus achieve the desired motive.


The truth of the Heart Sutra has remained tightly protected by its meticulous logic, and now, in our time, it has been unsealed and its logic can be deciphered, and the truth has flourished.


The time has now arrived.

The time has come, its arcane logic has been deciphered, and the whole picture of the Heart Sutra is revealed here and now.


The result of this decipherment is a truth that transcends the boundaries of Buddhism and should be regarded as a common truth for all mankind, and it can be said to be a comprehensive account of the history of human thought. The result is not only the revival of Buddhism, but also the revival of the world's religions.


The Heart Sutra is a message to us from two thousand years ago, which even anticipated the development of modern science.

In other words, we have reached the stage where we can understand it because we live in an age with a rich vocabulary, an established logic, and where we can finally see the connection between the universe described by the Heart Sutra and the material universe described by physics.


The author's view is going to be discussed below in a tightly logical argument and with as little ambiguity as possible.

Of particular note, as the key to the seal, is when Kannon-sama (Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva)speaks directly to the Śāriputra, which in this book corresponds to chapters 3,4 and 5. In fact, this is a series of meticulous logical writings, it is a series of magnificent developments... It is here that I will show in this book that the 'structure of the universe' and the 'relationship between the universe and man' are explained in a brilliant logical development.

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